Common Errors in English Language: If you’re wondering if you should use “one less thing” or “one thing less”, rest assured both are correct. However, “one less thing” is more common than “one thing less”.
Visited vs Have Visited vs Had Visited: How to Use Them Correctly
Common Errors in English Sentences: Using correct tense an important part of every business communication as it reflects your personality, especially when you’re communicating with someone who is well-versed in English language.
How to Write Effective Business Emails at Work
Common Errors in English Grammar: It’s the quality of grammar and correct spelling, and tone that matters a lot in business email writing. Learn how to write effective business emails.
A List of Common English Mistakes Indians Make
Common English Mistakes: Since English is a second language in India, many tend to maintain a flexible approach towards using prepositions in writing as well as speech.
Avoid These Common Errors in Your Everyday Emails
Most Common English Errors: You don’t want to let these common English mistakes ruin your image at work. So, beware of these errors and learn how to fix them in your email next time.
Little vs Less vs Fewer Examples: How to Use Them Correctly
Typical English Grammar Mistakes: Almost every day, I see people use less instead of little and less instead of fewer. This post is designed to address those common errors.