While you can get away with these common adjective mistakes in a colloquial setting, they can cost you a lot in professional environment, especially in job interviews.
Can’t Have Been vs. Couldn’t Have Been: How to Use Them Correctly
While Can’t Have (Been) is used to refer to an incident in the near past, Couldn’t Have (Been) is used for an event that happened way back in the past.
When Do I Use “I” Instead of “Me?”
If you’re writing formal dialogue or in a formal setting, use “It’s I”. However, it’s more appropriate to use “It’s me.” in your everyday communications.
When to Use “If I was” vs. “If I were”, Which One is Correct?
A lot of people use “If I was” instead of “If I were” when they use a subjunctive mood in a hypothetical situation.
Fix Your Bloated Emails: Snip These Words
Common Errors in English Emails: Being prevalent in our everyday life, filler words tend to rub off on our writing more often than not. We must take extra care to edit our draft to make sure it sounds professional.
Email Sign-off Best Practices: Avoid These Email Sign-Offs
Common Errors in English Usage: What’s favorite email sign-off? How do you deal with your default email signature while sending emails from your smartphones?