Simple Mistakes in English: Many people, especially in the non-English speaking country, tend to use Seat as a noun. However, there are situations where using Seat as a verb is necessary to convey the message appropriately.
Oftentimes, people tend to commit errors with regard to the use of Sit and Seat. Many people, especially in a non-English speaking country, tend to use Seat as a noun. However, there are situations where using Seat as a verb is necessary to convey the message appropriately. This is exactly what this post aims to do.
So, let’s take a look at how we could use Sit and Seat as verbs under a number of circumstances.
Example #1: I’d like to sit next to you, please!
Explanation: The speaker himself wants to sit next to the person she is speaking with.
Example #2: I’d like you to sit next to my father, please!
Explanation: The speaker is requesting a person to sit next to her father.
SEAT (verb)
Meaning #1: Arrange for (someone) to sit somewhere.
Meaning #2: To have or provide seats for
Example #1: Don’t worry; I’ll seat you next to your father.
Explanation: A lady is assuring her kid that she will help him sit next to his father. The kid can’t choose the seat himself and needs to help from his mom.
In the day-to-day speech, however, people tend to use sit more often.
For example: Don’t worry; I’ll make sure you sit next to your father.
Example #2: The stadium seats about 7,000 people.
Explanation: The stadium has the capacity to accommodate 7,000 spectators.
I hope this helps!
This is a sorry explanation guide. The writer failed to actually explain the usages and totally converges and confuses both terms
And “ needs to help from his mom” … I’m not a native speaker and do t make such mistakes.
Madu Kenechukwu
Are you on sit or seat?
Which is correct?