Using incorrect tense with “conditional if clause” is one
How to Use Sit and Seat in Sentences
Simple Mistakes in English: Many people, especially in the non-English speaking country, tend to use Seat as a noun. However, there are situations where using Seat as a verb is necessary to convey the message appropriately.
How about Some Housekeeping and Home Renovation Jargons!
Do home renovation words confuse you? Here’s a list of housekeeping jargons -words and phrases commonly used in the home designing industry.
Tips to Use Personal Pronoun – Singular They
Some authors tend to use “her” when they want to speak about a third person in their sentences. Is this done to defeat sexism? Let’s find out.
6 Common English Vocabulary Errors and How to Avoid Them
If you are not a native English speaker, chances are that you might be learning the language the wrong way.
Please Find Attached: How to Mention Email Attachments
Please find attached or Please find the attached? Many people want to know the correct way of mentioning email attachments. So, let’s find out the correct way to mention email attachments.Here are different ways people write to mention email attachments.